How to End an Open Letter

If you have something to say to a large group of people or you’d like to remain anonymous, you might have written an open letter. Ending an open letter isn’t much different from ending a classic letter, but there are a few methods you can choose from depending on what you’re writing and where the letter is going. By concluding strongly and picking out the right signature type for you, you can end your letter firmly to get your point across.


[Edit]Reiterate your point in the concluding paragraph.

  1. Summarize your main points to really drive them home. Your conclusion doesn’t have to be too long; 2 to 3 sentences is enough to get your point across. You can even include some facts and figures if you’d like to. For example:[1]
    End an Open Letter Step 1.jpg
    • “Barnardo's has a budget of over £300 million and a CEO who is paid more than the Prime Minister. It is not good enough to say that, as a charity, you cannot afford to look after your employees. There is enough money—but perhaps not the will.”
    • “By the year 2030, America will run out of its natural resources needed to keep our society going. If we keep consuming the way we have been for decades now, the timeline may even speed up.”

[Edit]Suggest a solution to solve the problem.

  1. Come up with a realistic way to solve any issues you’re facing. Try not to write a list of demands; instead, make your solution reasonable and doable so it’s more likely to be taken seriously. If the solution is realistic, there’s a better chance your letter will be taken seriously. For example:[2]
    End an Open Letter Step 2.jpg
    • “We request that all employees get a $1 hourly raise by February 1st, 2021. We also request that employees get 1 week of paid vacation on top of sick leave and personal absence time.”
    • “In order to solve this problem, we all must be more cautious about our buying habits and our carbon footprint.”

[Edit]Include a call to action to get more people on board.

  1. This is especially important if you are calling for a general strike. Ask your fellow employees, community members, or people in the area to support you when you conclude your open letter. Make your call to action direct and specific so people know exactly what you’re asking. For example:[3]
    End an Open Letter Step 3.jpg
    • “With that being said, I am calling for a labor strike starting on March 21st, 2022. I propose that all employees stay home from work until our demands are met or a compromise from both parties is reached.”
    • “I want to encourage everyone to cut back on their usage of plastic and try to reduce their waste to slow the effects of climate change.”

[Edit]Explain how the recipient should respond to your letter.

  1. If your letter is anonymous, the recipient might not be able to reach you. You could ask that they email a staff member, call a staff meeting, or respond with their own open letter. Include a date so they know when you'd like them to respond by. Say something like:[4]
    End an Open Letter Step 4.jpg
    • “You can respond by calling a general staff meeting one week from today on February 7th, 2021.”

[Edit]Finish your letter with a traditional signoff.

  1. You can end an open letter just like a regular letter. This means you could put “best,” “sincerely,” or “regards.” If your open letter is positive or uplifting, you could even say something like, “your friend.”[5]
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    • If the topic of your open letter is a little heavy, you don’t have to include a signoff. Just put your name and signature at the end instead.

[Edit]Include your name to gather support.

  1. This is a good idea for letters that don’t put your job at risk. If you wrote an open letter to a large company that you aren’t affiliated with or one to the general public, feel free to sign off with your printed name and signature so people can contact you with their support.[6]
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    • This is also a good idea if you’re a CEO writing to your employees or the head of a major company writing a letter to your customers. If your name will give your letter more credibility, you should include it.

[Edit]Use a phrase in place of your name to reiterate your point.

  1. Give yourself a new name that represents your letter. This could be something like, “a concerned citizen,” “a worried employee,” or “a disgruntled alumni.” Make sure you can’t be identified, but still get your point across.[7]
    End an Open Letter Step 7.jpg
    • This is a great tactic for letters that may reach a wide audience, like letters-to-the-editor or ones published online.

[Edit]Sign off as a group if you represent multiple people.

  1. You might be writing an open letter for your coworkers or peers. If that’s the case, you can put your group or affiliation as the signature instead of singling yourself out. It’s a great way to identify yourself without threatening your livelihood. For example:[8]
    End an Open Letter Step 8.jpg
    • “Signed, PSU alumni.”
    • “Sincerely, The Sunnyside Neighborhood Association.”

[Edit]Keep it anonymous if your livelihood is at risk.

  1. This is especially true if you are demanding something from your employer. You can leave the signature part of the letter blank or put something like “employee” or “alumni” in its place. Make sure the letter is printed instead of handwritten so it can’t be traced back to you.[9]
    End an Open Letter Step 9.jpg
    • Use caution if you’re writing an open letter to your employer to protect your identity. If they see you as a threat and can trace the letter back to you, there is a chance you could lose your job.

[Edit]Collect signatures to get extra support.

  1. Put pressure on the recipient by adding supporters to your letter. You can have everyone hand-sign the printed copy, or you can collect digital signatures via email. Put all the signatures at the end of your letter (the more, the better).[10]
    End an Open Letter Step 10.jpg
    • This is a great visual representation of everyone in support of your demands.


  • Reread your letter a few times before you send it to check for grammar and spelling errors.


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