How to Stretch when Pregnant

Stretching is an excellent way to relieve any tension and aches that might come along while you’re pregnant. As your belly gets bigger, it may be hard to do the stretches you're used to doing, but some easy modifications can allow your belly some room while you stretch out the stiffness. Some light stretching typically won't hurt your baby, but always talk to your doctor about what stretches you can and can't do before you try to do them on your own. Aim to do at least 2 different stretches for each part of your body (your upper body, back, and lower body) each day to keep you feeling strong and relaxed.


[Edit]Back, Hips, and Legs

  1. Alternate between cat and cow pose to stretch your back and torso. Start face down on your hands and knees. To do the cat pose, rotate your pelvis toward the floor and tuck your butt. Push your spine towards the ceiling and lower your chin to your chest. Hold it for 3 seconds and then push your tailbone up towards the ceiling and lift your chin. Hold it for 3 more seconds before flipping the movement back into cat pose.[1]
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    • Make sure your hands are below your shoulders and your knees are under your hips.
    • Think of the movement like making a convex curve with your back for cat pose and making a concave valley for cow pose.
    • If it hurts to let your belly hang down, try to tighten your abs to give it some support. If you can't do this or if it's still not comfortable, avoid the stretch altogether.
  2. Pull one knee into your chest to stretch your lower back and hips. Lie down flat, lace your fingers together around your knee, and hug it into your chest. Be gentle and pull it in only as far as it will comfortably go without putting pressure on your belly. Hold the stretch for 10-20 seconds and do this 3-4 times before switching to the other leg.[2]
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    • This'll keep your pelvis nice and loose, which is especially important during the last trimester.
    • If lying flat on your back is uncomfortable to you, try propping up your upper back with a few pillows. If it's still uncomfortable or if you feel pressure on your spine from the baby, skip it.
  3. Lie down on your back to do pelvic tilts. Lie down flat on a rug or yoga mat and bend your knees so that your feet are flat on the floor. Arch your lower back until you feel it come up off of the floor. Then tilt your pelvis upward to flatten your lower back as if you're pushing it down into the mat. Do 8 to 10 full reps, rest, and then do another 1 or 2 sets to feel some lower back relief.[3]
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    • For a challenge, try lifting each side of your pelvis up toward your ribcage.
    • If you're in your 3rd trimester, sit in a chair to do this one because lying on your back could put too much pressure on your spine and intestines. The movement is the same, you’ll just be tilting your pelvis forward and back instead of up and down.
  4. Do sumo-squats with slight twists to loosen up your shoulders and back. Stand with your feet twice as wide as hip-width apart and squat down so your thighs are almost parallel to the ground (or as far as you can go). Place your hands on your knees with your fingers facing in and your elbows pointing out. Twist your upper body slightly (very slightly!) to the left and drop your right shoulder towards the floor. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds and twist to the other side, dropping your left shoulder down toward the ground.[4]
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    • Apply a little pressure on your inner thigh with your right hand as you turn to the left and vice versa.
    • You should feel the stretch in your inner thighs, back, and shoulders.
    • Be careful not to twist from your abdomen or twist too much. Keep the turn super slight and rotate from your hips instead of your midsection so you’re not putting pressure on your belly.
    • If you're in your 3rd trimester and you feel lopsided when you squat down, place a chair nearby so you can steady yourself. If it's still uncomfortable or if you don’t feel stable, skip the stretch altogether.
  5. Extend 1 leg while you tuck in the other and reach toward your toes. Sit on the ground or a yoga mat with your legs sprawled so they make a 90-degree angle. Tuck your right foot in so the sole is resting against your left upper or mid-thigh. Lean forward over your left leg as much as you comfortably can as if you're going to touch your toes. Hold the stretch for 20 seconds and then switch to the other side.[5]
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    • Don't worry about whether or not you can touch your toes. Even if you can only reach your knee or shin, you’re still getting a great stretch in your hamstrings and lower back.
    • If your belly is extra-large, move the sole of your tucked foot closer to your knee. That way, your shin won’t be putting pressure on your belly.
  6. Stretch your hips and lower back with a wide-legged forward bend. Sit with your legs extended and to the sides to make a "v" shape. Lean your upper body forward as much as you can until you feel a gentle stretch in your hips, inner thighs, and lower back. Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds, rest, and do it again 1-2 more times.[6]
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    • If you want to do this one standing up, position your feet twice as wide as hip-width apart and lower your upper body to the floor. Place your hands on a low stool or 2 blocks so your spine is parallel to the floor and your belly won’t feel squished.
    • Keep your feet flexed so they’re pointed toward the ceiling. That way, you’ll feel the stretch in your inner thighs and groin.
  7. Open up your hips with a seated butterfly stretch. Sit comfortably on a mat or rug with your knees bent and the soles of your feet pressed together. Put your elbows on your knees and push down to open them up as much as they’ll comfortably go. If this feels too easy or you’re not feeling a stretch, lean forward or flap your knees like butterfly wings.[7]
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    • This stretch can help induce labor, so it’s a good one if you’re in your 3rd trimester and about to pop!
  8. Relieve any cramps in your calves with an easy step-forward lunge pose. Start by standing upright with your feet hip-width apart. Step your left foot out in front of you and place your right foot slightly behind you. Keep your toes pointed in the same direction. Slightly bend your left knee and lunge forward while straightening your right knee (but don’t lock it). Hold the stretch for 20 seconds and then switch legs.[8]
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    • If you need a little help keeping your balance, grab onto a chair, table, or wall.
  9. Sit in a chair with 1 leg loosely crossed and lean forward to stretch your glutes. Sit upright in a chair and cross your left leg over your right leg so your left ankle is sitting on top of your right knee. Place your left hand on your left knee and your right hand on your left ankle and slowly lean forward. Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds and then switch your legs to do it again.[9]
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    • Think about leaning forward (not down) with your chest so your back doesn't round during the stretch.
    • This will stretch the outside of your legs and glutes—perfect for relieving sciatica pain!
    • If your belly is too big to lean forward while you're sitting down, lie down with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Cross one ankle loosely over the knee of your other leg. Have your partner or a buddy grasp your knee and ankle (on your crossed leg) and push down slightly on your knee, away from your body until you feel a nice stretch.

[Edit]Shoulders, Neck, and Arms

  1. Roll your shoulders to make forward and backward circles. Sit on the ground with upright posture and put your hands on your knees. Move your shoulders up, back, down, and around like you're drawing big circles with your shoulder blades. Go slow and spend at least 5 to 8 seconds on each circle to really feel the stretch. Do 10 circles and then switch directions so you're moving your shoulders forward first (then down, back, and around).[10]
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    • This move will help with any tightness or pain in your shoulders or upper back.
  2. Try to touch your ears to your shoulders to relieve neck pain. Sit or stand upright and lower your right ear down toward your right shoulder. Hold it for 3-4 seconds and see if you can go a little lower. If not, that’s perfectly okay—just hold it and don't overstretch. After 20-30 seconds, bring your head upright and then push your left ear to your left shoulder. Do each side 2-3 times to whip a stiff neck back into shape![11]
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    • If you’re not feeling much of a stretch, place your right hand on the side of your head near your left ear and push down to add some resistance.
    • Feel free to do some neck rolls to transition from one position to the next and give your neck a more holistic stretch. Just go slow and remember to breathe!
  3. Apply pressure to the back of your head with your hands to ease neck pain. Interlace your fingers and place your hands on the back of your head near the base of your skull. Bring your elbows in towards each other as far as you can. Tuck your chin into your chest and apply a little pressure with your hands until you feel a nice stretch. Hold it for 20-30 seconds, rest, then do it 2 more times.[12]
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    • This will stretch the back of your neck and your upper trapezius muscles—it’s a must if you tend to carry stress in your neck and upper back!
    • To stretch the sides of your neck, slightly push your head to the side when your chin is tucked into your chest. Rotate your head a little and think about touching the right or left side of your chin to your chest.
  4. Hold a strap over your head to stretch your shoulders and torso. Sit on the floor with your legs crossed. Grab a strap or rolled towel so that your hands are the same width apart as your knees. Lift the strap up over your head and try to move it a little behind your head if you can. Hold it for 10 seconds and lower the strap down in front of you. Do 2 more reps so your shoulders feel nice and loose.[13]
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    • Push your ribcage out and upward as you're holding the strap over your head.
    • For a challenge, lower the strap behind you to stretch your pecs and shoulder sockets.
    • To stretch your sides, hold the strap directly over your head and lean to the right or left.
  5. Reach behind your back and touch or clasp your fingers together. Sit on the ground or stand upright and extend your right arm above your head so your upper arm is right next to your ear. Bend your elbow to bring your hand down as if you're patting yourself on the back. Relax your left arm at your side and then reach upward to try to touch or clasp the fingers on your right hand. Hold it for 20-30 seconds and then switch arms.[14]
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    • It's okay if you can't touch your fingers together—as long as you feel the stretch, you're doing great!
    • As an alternative, hold a towel in the hand that's on top and grab onto it with your bottom hand behind your back.
    • This move is great to loosen up your shoulders and triceps.

[Edit]Stretching Safely

  1. Go slow and avoid bouncing motions to maintain proper form. Keep your movements slow and smooth so you're in control of the stretch. After you’ve set up for a stretch, ease into it so you can know your limits (i.e., when to stop and hold the pose).[15]
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    • Bouncing while stretching can add unnecessary pressure to your joints and ligaments, which are super sensitive right now due to the extra baby weight.
  2. Don’t overdo it and take breaks when you need to. Plan to stretch for a maximum of 30 minutes at a time, 3 to 4 days a week. If you feel like you need to take a break for water or just to rest, do so. Now's not the time to overdo it—be gentle with yourself![16]
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    • If you’re in the last half of your 3rd trimester, even just 15 minutes a day can be enough to loosen up your muscles.
    • Don’t feel pressure to stick to an exercise or stretching schedule when you’re pregnant. Go by how you feel—if you’re not feeling up for it some days, take it easy.
  3. Choose a cool, well-ventilated place to stretch so you don’t overheat. While it’s highly unlikely that you’ll overheat from stretching, be sure to stretch in a cool, comfortable room that isn’t too hot or humid. If you have air conditioning or some fans, turn those on while you stretch so you don’t sweat too much. That way, you’ll stay hydrated and energized.[17]
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    • The idea is to not raise your body temperature too much. A body temperature of over 102°F (38.9°C) for 10 minutes or more can cause dehydration and affect your baby.
    • It’s unlikely to overheat from stretching alone, especially since vigorous exercise only raises our body temperature by a few degrees. However, your growing baby’s body temperature is a little higher, so it’s best to stay as cool as possible.
  4. Steer clear of certain movements if you’re in your 2nd or 3rd trimester. Avoid working your abdominals during your 2nd and 3rd trimester because it can affect how blood flows to your baby. You should especially avoid any twisting motions that engage your abdominals. Also, any stretch that has you lying face down on top of your belly is a no-go![18]
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    • Lying down flat on your back can also be uncomfortable, so skip it if you feel any intense pressure on your organs or spine.
    • Working your abs while you’re pregnant can also cause your abdominal muscles to separate, leaving behind a lumpy pooch and increasing the risk of lower back pain later on.
    • If you’re in your 3rd trimester and have trouble balancing the weight of your belly, don’t do any stretches that involve bending forward because it increases the risk of falling on your belly.


  • Try not to focus on being as flexible as you were before pregnancy and only stretch as far as you can go. As long as you’re feeling the stretch, it’s worth it!
  • Consider joining a prenatal yoga class at your local gym or following videos online.
  • Remember to breathe while you’re stretching!


  • If you experience pain or contractions at any time while you’re stretching, stop doing the stretch and try to relax.[19]
  • Avoid any intense twisting motions that put excessive pressure on your abdomen, especially if you’re in your 2nd or 3rd trimester.[20]


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