Candlewicking is a form if embroidery done with heavy thread on muslin. it is considered "traditional" because it uses an old technique called the "colonial knot".
- Cut a piece of the muslin large enough for your selected design.
- Lay the muslin on top of the pattern.
- Lightly trace the pattern onto your muslin. A light box can make this faster and easier.
- Pin the fabric to the pattern to keep it from sliding as you trace.
- Use a washable marker to make small dots to indicate the placement of the colonial knots and any other embroidery stitches used in the design.
- Check to be certain that you have transferred the entire Candlewicking pattern to the muslin and haven't missed anything.
- Remove the pins and set the pattern aside.
- Place the fabric in an embroidery hoop.
- Thread the embroidery needle with 4 strands of Candlewicking thread or 6-12 strands of embroidery floss. The amount of floss you use will determine how large your colonial knots will be.
- Tie a knot in the thread or floss and stitch your first colonial knot. If this is your first Candlewicking design, practice making colonial knots on a small piece of muslin before you begin.
- Systematically work the design - left to right, top to bottom, or whatever to prevent soiling finished areas.
- Launder when finished to remove the marker.
- Size the finished piece by laying the piece face down on a clean, prewashed white towel and iron it from the back.
- "Pat" the fabric with the iron when ironing to avoid damaging the colonial knots.
- Finished.
Things You'll Need
- Medium to heavy weight unbleached cotton muslin
- Candlewicking thread (substitute cream colored six-strand embroidery thread if need be.)
- a large sharp embroidery needle
- washable fabric marker
- straight pins
- pattern
Related wikiHows
- How to Sew a Colonial Knot Embroidery Stitch
- How to Embroider
- How to Wash Embroideries Before Framing
- How to Braid Stitch
- How to Sew Chain Stitch
- How to Transfer a Rug Hooking Pattern
from How to of the Day
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